Barber Program
This adult only program prepares students to become a licensed Barber who provide scalp, and hair care to customers to help them enhance their personal appearance. Students receive classroom instruction and hands-on training in hair styling, cutting, and coloring. Included are facial massage, mustache, and beard design with customer service and shop management. To obtain state licensing, students must complete 1500 hours of instruction and pass the Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering written and practical exams.
This program is offer from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm Monday - Thursday and Saturdays 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Students are admitted according to space available in the program.
Safe Work Practices/Bacteriology (155 hrs)
Anatomy, Physiology, Skin and Scalp (200 hrs)
Haircutting and Styling (580 hrs)
Hair Coloring (150 hrs)
Chemical Relaxer, Perms and Waves (95 hrs)
Facial Massage & Treatment (40 hrs)
Men's Hairpieces, Mustache and Beard Design (65 hrs)
Board Rules, Regulations, and Statutes (40 hrs)
Salesmanship/Shop Management (175 hrs)
Approximate Barbering Program Costs
Total In-District: $5193.00
Total Out of District: $9318.00
Possible Employment Opportunities:
Oklahoma State Board of Barbering License
Potential Salary
For information concerning working conditions, physical requirements, employment and job outlook please refer to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) at:
Salary information can be found at The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Resource Center at:
CIP: 12-0401 O-NET: 39-5012
Pontotoc Tech Student Services team builds partnerships with Ada area businesses & industry to create opportunities for on-the-job training and student placement. Call the Pontotoc Technology Center Counselor at 580-310-2264 or visit pontotoctech.edu
Financial Aid Available

Cappaicino Adams
Mr. Adams has been a master barber for over 25 years and is a licensed instructor in barbering and cosmetology. He is the owner at ShowTime 1.0 and ShowTime 2.0 Barber Shops in Pauls Valley and Ada, Oklahoma. He is the author of "Life's Missing Links" a book about becoming a better version of yourself through life's missing links.
We're thrilled to welcome Cappaicino to the PTC campus and are excited to see how impacts the lives of our students pursuing their Barbering careers!
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, barbers earn an average annual salary of $35,190, and with more experience, skilled barbers can earn significantly higher incomes, especially in upscale shops or by building a loyal clientele. Employment for barbers is projected to grow by 8% from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations, driven by a growing demand for personal care services.